
What Inspires Me?- pt 1 Music!

As a designer I draw inspiration from lots of different places, however one of my biggest inspirations when creating a new collection is music. Every collection I make gets its own dedicated playlist that I listen to while sketching. This playlist can be really long or as short as 3 songs. It simply has to give the right feeling that I’m going for in the collection. While I don’t solely use the playlist it is a big part of what I use to inspire me while I sketch.

 If I hear a song that inspires me and I think would be good for a playlist in the future I will add it to my general “inspo” playlist; this way when creating a new collection playlist I can look back through at the songs I already know inspire me. 


What kinds of songs?

Many people might assume that my playlist is nothing but romantic songs someone might play at a wedding. While that describes a good third of the songs that are on the playlist, it doesn’t describe them all. I also love instrumental and some pretty sad songs too. The point of my playlist is to help draw an emotion and paint a picture. I, like most designers and artist types, am very emotionally driven and I use my music to help put me into that headspace while I sketch. 


Perplexing as it is, the sad songs are often some of my favorites. I am a big romantic and often love heartbreaking songs. I love them because to be so heartbroken you have to have loved deeply. So, while I am designing wedding gowns these songs often help paint that kind of love you have with a partner when you do get married. I also enjoy that little bit of irony there. 


One of my favorite types of songs to listen to is a classic instrumental. Whether that is an instrumental version of a more popular song or a classical piece by some of the world’s best composers. I like them because they can paint a picture without words. A sequence of notes can mean one thing the first time I listen to it but then give me a different feeling the second. It gives my playlists quite a bit of variety. While songs with lyrics often give you the same feeling again and again; because the words are keeping you in the same storyline over and over again. 

Listen to the Collection Playlists!

I’m excited to share some of my favorite songs and playlists with you all over on our Spotify. I hope you enjoy the little insight into my head while creating a collection and I urge you to give it a go for whatever your artistic outlet is.